
This was built for facilitated data-analysis on the data. This GUI allows The user to choose the number of bedrooms, bathrooms, and the type of unit. It also allows the user to specify a sq-footage to filter againts. If no listings are found with the set parameters it ignores the parameter that adds the least amount of listings.

This app also allows the user to specify a location and this will filter the listings in a 5km circle around the specified address. This then allows us to find the average price of listings with certain specifications.


  • Walk and Transit scores credits to
  • Finds similar listings nearby and shows at most 3.
  • Writes all the information into a beautiful PDF.
  • Shows the 3 closest listings and the first picture in the Kijiji listing.

Project Difficulties

  • How to check which listings were within the 5km
  • Being able to use the walkscore website without API
  • What to do when no listings are found
  • What to do when the Kijiji listing has no cover image

My Solutions

  • Utilized one of two methods for the distance. Google distance api, and Geometric approximation of a sphere.
  • If no listings were found I used the retry method with 1 less filter parameter until at least 1 listing was returned.
  • Used a stock image of whichever type of listing was picked.